Respond rapidly to incidents

Monitor medical emergencies (code blue), threats (code black), and operational issues remotely, automatically coordinating the right roles for efficient incident management.


Respond Rapidly to incidents

Monitor medical emergencies (code blue), threats (code black), and operational issues remotely, automatically coordinating the right roles for efficient incident management.

When every minute counts

Bring your emergency response team together on one integrated platform for easy access to crucial information. Automate alert settings for your infrastructure—like nurse call buttons, fire panels, and helipad lighting—to reach pagers, mobiles via in-app notifications or SMS, DECT, Cisco phones, and email. Clear directions and instant updates empower teams to collaborate seamlessly, ensuring swift responses and exceptional patient care.

Share critical information from the start.

Share critical information such as the emergency location, personnel involved, and incident duration instantly across teams ensuring everyone is on the same page in the event of an incident.

Mobilise the right people with the right information.

Deliver targeted, timely information to appropriate staff and distinguish responders from those notified for oversight. This coordinated approach improves the hospital’s role and job responsibility management, optimising the efficiency of incident response teams.

Customise colour codes on local protocols.

Ensures everyone can effortlessly understand and report incidents with just a few clicks on desktop or mobile without extensive staff training.

Search, connect and initiate rapid responses.

With access to a live on-call status roster, staff can quickly connect. This real-time visibility enables immediate identification of available team members, eliminating the need for time-consuming switchboard calls and interdepartmental transfers.

Healthcare settings we support

Smarter, faster incident response.

Spend less time coordinating in an emergency and more time delivering impactful patient care. Contact our team to understand how Olinqua can support incident response processes.

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