Connect and coordinate with your teams instantly

Bridging the gap between operational and clinical processes by delivering messages to the right people, at the right time.


Connect and coordinate with your teams instantly

Bridging the gap between operational and clinical processes by delivering messages to the right people, at the right time.

Keep your entire team connected and responsive.

Linq reduces unnecessary disruptions of overhead paging, improves communication cycle times, and fosters a more focused and productive work environment.

Built to link modern clinical and operational processes in smarter hospitals.

Support the shift from outdated communication methods like pagers. With Linq, clinicians and nurses receive only important messages, reducing alarm fatigue and freeing up time for better patient care. Not ready to fully abandon pagers? Linq offers a hybrid experience, supporting both pagers and a mobile app simultaneously. Explore the modules that make up Linq.

Hospital Communications

Instantly connect with the right hospital staff using role-based search, eliminating the need for non-secure apps like iMessage, Messenger or WhatsApp.

Task Management

Organise and prioritise tasks automatically based on workloads, availability or proximity. Whether it’s coordinating patient care or allocating resources more efficiently, task management enables hospital staff to make the most of their time.

Location Tracking

Get immediate, automated notifications on the whereabouts of critical hospital equipment. Improve staff safety by enabling device location sharing during duress or emergencies. You can even use Linq to set up geofences for better infant and mental health patient protection.

Incident Management

Monitor medical emergencies (code blue), threats (code black), and operational issues remotely to automatically coordinate rapid response for efficient management of the incidents. With instant alerts for emergency response teams, smarter and more effective operations are ensured.

Environment Monitoring

Maintain peace of mind and save time as Linq monitors and automatically notifies about temperature irregularities, alerting responsible staff to take action.

Healthcare settings we support

Smarter, faster communication and collaboration.

Spend less time coordinating in an emergency and more time delivering impactful patient care. Contact our team to understand how Olinqua can support communication and collaboration at your hospital.

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